Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Student Opinion Open for Discussion

Heidi Larson
Junior-Music Major

"When I think of Church/a place of worship, I think of being myself. I know God, my family, and my congregation love and accept me. I'm not shut out because of the way I live my life, so why shut out others who happen to be of the GLTB community? 'Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' "


mbrown3 said...

What ever happened to being non-judgmental? Members of the GLTB community are no different than anyone else. I think we just need to take the time to get to know people. In the end, God is the only one judging us, so no one else matters.

Anonymous said...

In John 17:20-26 the Bible talks about Jesus' prayer for ALL believers. In these verses Jesus prays that all believers be united through him and his love. If Jesus is praying for all believers to "be one" then why would we not with open and loving arms invite all who believe to be a part of our united Gustavus community?